Reliving experiences with my daughter

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(Note: This was originally written as part of an interview essay for a job application)

As part of the recruitment process we're supposed to write a blog post on a topic that we are passionate about; as I thought about what I was going to write about I had an idea...

I have the pleasure of getting to re-experience everything I am passionate about thanks to my daughter, Peyton. Not only do I get to read, watch, or play any number of books, movies and video games that I grew up with and loved; I get to watch someone experience all of these things with the innocent, inexperienced eyes of a child. Someone who is essentially a part of me, and has begun her life already watching her father enjoy these hobbies.

The endlessly relatable humour of John Hughes movies, the adventure of Steven Spielberg's stories, Lucas sci-fi epics... I can remember the first time seeing that T-Rex in Jurassic Park and hearing its deafening roar or the first time seeing the Millennium Falcon streak across the screen.

The first epic quest experience that is the Legend of Zelda, or saving humanity and the universe as the Master Chief in Halo. Parkouring through history in Assassin's Creed and learning to utilize mana properly in the worlds of Final Fantasy.

Reading about the world of magic and wizards and how to properly choose your wand in Harry Potter or the intricacies of the High Elven language in J.R.R Tolkien's saga.

All of these experiences, parts of my childhood growing up, are things I can introduce to my daughter. I think the best part of all of this is not just being able to experience them for myself all over again but being able to watch Peyton as she gets the experiences for the first time.

The look of wonder in her eyes when she see's Optimus Prime transform and roll out with the rest of the Autobots; The twinkle in her eyes when ET rides a bike off into the night sky as she imagines all of the amazing adventures she can have in life.

That is what I am passionate about, my daughter, and helping her experience life in all its wonders... real and imaginary.

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