Hack the planet

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Not a single piece of media I have consumed in my life has had such an impact, a ripple effect, on my future trajectory than the movie Hackers.

Featuring a much lesser well known Angelina Jolie, Johnny Lee Miller, and Matthew Lillard, it was by all accounts a critical failure earning only 8.5m on a 60m budget.

I have lost count of the number of times I have watched this movie, sometimes on repeat for days while coding in the background. Last time I had a rough idea, it was well over 800 and that was around when Peyton was born.

I was nine or ten when it came out, and I already had shown some interest in figuring out how things work but this 1995 movie solidified huge aspects of my future and still does to this day.

I could probably quote the entire movie off the top of my head, line by line... as a few named individuals can attest to (and join in on).

Hack the planet.

Hack the planet